Family Law Attorney - Woodstock, IL (60098)

Jenette M. Schwemler has been practicing divorce and custody law for 20 years.

Family Law Attorney Woodstock IL (60098)Jenette M. Schwemler is a family law attorney serving clients in Woodstock, Illinois (60098) and surrounding areas in northern Illinois. She has been practicing law since 1997. Her practice focuses on family law, including divorce, custody, mediation, estate planning and elder law – a full service family law practitioner.


Family law practice areas include:


For a free consultation, contact Jenette M. Schwemler (815-245-4665), an experienced family law attorney serving clients in Woodstock, Illinois (60098) and surrounding areas.


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Law Office of Jenette M. Schwemler, PC
1301 Pyott Road, Suite 201G
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156 MAP

Note: “House calls” and weekend appointments for initial consultations are available for a fee.

(815) 245-4665